Step back in time with this exquisite 1930s rolled-brim evening beret! Its unique black gelatin sequined crown tells a fascinating story of fashion evolution... Imagine King Tut’s tomb—the discovery that ignited the 1920s sequin craze! Garments adorned with gold discs discovered in the tomb inspired a revolution in fashion. But heavy metal sequins damaged delicate silk fabrics. Enter the gelatin sequin—a lighter, more delicate alternative.
These electroplated gelatin sequins shimmered under the ballroom lights. Yet, they were sensitive to heat—withering if a dance partner’s touch got too close. Rain or steam? They’d melt away. Despite their fragility, their depth of color made them irresistible. As the 1930s waned, acetate sequins replaced gelatin ones. Surviving pieces with genuine gelatin sequins like this beret are increasingly scarce.
Condition report: If you turn the hat upside down, you’ll find makeup residue on the underside of the brim. Please see the images.
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