Gustave Michel’s “In the Dream” is a captivating marble sculpture created in 1897. Michel, a renowned French sculptor and medallist, was celebrated for his ability to infuse life and emotion into his works. “In the Dream” is no exception, depicting a serene and ethereal female figure in a state of peaceful slumber. The sculpture showcases Michel’s mastery in capturing delicate details and the fluidity of the human form, making it a timeless piece of art.
This sculpture was exhibited at the Museum of Luxembourg, where it garnered significant attention for its exquisite craftsmanship and emotional depth. Michel’s work often explored themes of beauty and tranquility, and “In the Dream” is a perfect representation of his artistic vision.
This 1902 real photo postcard of “In the Dream” by Gustave Michel is a rare and beautiful collectible. Ideal for art enthusiasts and collectors, this postcard offers a glimpse into the world of one of France’s most talented sculptors. Don’t miss the chance to own this unique piece of art history.